Some of my work …

Below are a few case studies I’ve worked on.

Images have been blurred for confidentiality.

๐Ÿ“ Case Study: Geo Analysis using Tableau

Objective: To understand the relationship between spend and booking conversions across Designated Market Ares in the USA

๐Ÿ“ Case Study: Attribution & Forecast with Linear Regression Analysis using R

Objective: To identify optimal spending and forecast leads using campaign, tactic, offline conversions, and publisher data

๐Ÿ“ Case Study: Automating Reporting Processes with Snowflake

Objective: To speed up the existing process to reduce time spent extracting and cleaning data

๐Ÿ“ Case Study: Creating Dashboards in Domo

Objective: To create reporting dashboards that will monitor KPI and media performance on a channel, creative, audience, and targeting tactic level

๐Ÿ“ Case Study: Cluster Analysis using Excel

Objective: To identify 5 clusters of identical markets for A/B testing